Как выбрать значение по наибольшему ключу из объекта json?


Returns all MD5 hash VENDOR_UUIDs for the current meta tree as an indexed array of values.

mysql_field_flags() - Returns the field flags

mysql_field_len() - Returns the length of the specified field

mysql_field_name() - Returns the name of the specified field in a result

mysql_field_table() - Returns the name of the table of the specified field

mysql_field_type() - Returns the type of the specified field

mysql_free_result() - Frees the memory associated with a result

mysql_get_host_info() - Returns the version of the MySQL server being used

mysql_get_proto_info() - Returns the protocol version used by the current MySQL server

mysql_get_server_info() - Returns the version of the MySQL server being used

mysql_info() - Retrieves information about the most recently executed query

mysql_insert_id() - Retrieves the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query

mysql_num_fields() - Returns the number of fields in a result set

mysql_num_rows() - Returns the number of rows affected by the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE or DELETE query